Get a jumpstart on your wedding planning journey.

Planning a wedding can be difficult! Let us help you plan your dream wedding.

Over the next 6-weeks, we will take you through all the first steps in planning a wedding, from creating your budget to selecting your venue.

Let's get started!

Fill out the form below and start planning your wedding today today.

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    Nichelle Giraldes

    Wedding & Event Planner

    Who am I?

    I'm Nichelle! I got my start with events in the non-profit space, but I have a special place in my heart for weddings.

    My mission is to make sure every couple has access to the tools to plan their wedding without ripping their hair out.

    What will you learn?

    Over the next 6-weeks we'll be covering everything from establishing your priorities, creating your budget, creating a guestlist, deciding on a wedding style, and selecting a wedding venue.

    Each email will contain an overview of the topic with links to other resources if you want more information. We'll also send you off with a little bit of homework. At the end of 6-weeks, you'll have a solid start on planning your wedding.